[Xcode 12.4, Catalina 10.15.6]
Note, whilst the above are the actions you use to get the view back, you must actually have a PreviewProvider in your view's source (at the bottom of the page by default). If you commented it out or deleted this struct, pressing the above keys does nothing.
struct NavigationPrimary_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
NavigationPrimary(selectedLandmark: .constant(landmarkData[0]))
This occurred to me after I had setup my xcdatamodel. Since my model had entities with like properties, I created one and then copy/pasted my template and then updated the new entitys' names. What I forgot to do, and was causing this problem, was to go into the configuration and update the class names there (they all had the same class name due to my copy/paste).